Quick Start Guide
When you log in to your account for the first time there are some steps you should take depending on how you plan to use the system. First and foremost will be to setup all your member types and members.
Setting up Member Types
While in the membership app, click on the Member Types tab

You will see a default member type in this list. We recommend that you do not remove it but rename it to what you want your default member types to be names, as well as the rest of the setup for the default member type

You can read the Member Types article on how to add and manage member types.
Importing Members
Getting your current membership into the system is critical to success. The easiest and best way to do this is to import them from a CSV file. You can read the Importing Members from CSV article on how to do this. Let us know if you need help with this step, we are here to help and do this all the time.
Adding a Logo
If you have a logo for your group that you want to have use in your email communications, you will need to first upload that logo. You can do this in the Files app, it does not need to be a shared file in order to use it in your emails.
Setting up emails
You can create email templates that are used when certain events occur, we call these “triggers”. In order to do this go to Emails and follow the instructions for create great looking emails for your group.
Getting Help
We all need help from time to time and we are here to help you. Your success is our success and we really want you to succeed. If you ever hit a snag and need some assistance please email us at support@middletwin.com and we will get back to you ASAP. In order to get answers quickly, please include the details of what you are having an issue with and screenshots.