Managing Registrations
Depending on how you mange your event, registrations can come from multiple sources. The most popular are directly from a sale on the member portal, and from the US mail with a mailed in registration form and a check.
You will likely have one if not more people who will help with managing your event registrations, depending on how many registrations you need to manage. Each person will need to have an administrative portal login with the “Registration Manager” permission enabled on their login to allow them to manage registrations.
After they have logged in they need to go to the registrations application. Note that if they only have the “Registration Manager” permission this will be the only application they have access too.

The application will load with a list of all your groups events. Select the event that you want to manage the registrations for by clicking on the event row and not the check box in the let hand column of the row.
This will display the registration list view for the event.

At the top of this table is the number of registrations that are currently in the system for the event.
The table is paginated and displays 25 registrations at a time. Use the pagination controls at the bottom of the table to page through the registrations.
You can search for Registrations by typing in search criteria in the search field and typing the enter key to perform the search. You can search on any of the following criteria:
- First name
- Last name
- Registration number (fka car number)
- Event class
You can use the ‘X’ button to the right of the search field to clear the search and re-fetch all the registrations.
You can sort the list of registrations by using the “Sort by” selector next to the search. You can sort by:
- Registration Number
- First name
- Last name
Editing a registration
To edit a registration click on the row for the registration. This will reveal the registration details pane on the right.

You can edit and change any information on the registration from here and click the “Save” button below the registration details to save the registration changes.
Creating a registration
To create a registration click on the “Create” button above the table of registrations on the right side. This will open a blank registration details pane that you can fill out.
It is common that someone who is registering for an event has registered for one of your past events. In order to save time you can search through previous event registrations by clicking on the spyglass (search) icon next to to the “First name” label.

In the search field you can enter a first name, last name, or car number and the system will search for registrations that match (current and past events). at least 3 characters are required. Click the “Lookup” button when you believe you have entered enough information.

Here is an example of searching for ‘williams’. Results with a pencil icon are current event registrations and if you select this row the registration form will be filled in with this registration details and when you click save you will be changing the registration. If you select the row without the pencil icon the form will be filled with most of the details from the registration but when you click save you will be reading a new registration.
Click the “Save” button below the registration details to save the registration.
Registration Numbers
Registration numbers need to be unique. As a convenience to you the system will automatically assign the next available registration number to a registration based on the selected event class. For example, when creating a registration, if you select an event class that is numbered 300, and there are already 3 registrants in that class (301, 302, 303) the system will automatically assign 304 to this new registration. You do not need to provide the registration number 304 when creating it.

If you want to assign your own registration number you can by selecting the “Manually Assign Car Number” checkbox and filling in a number. Note that this is not recommended, and the registration number needs to be in the same group as the class number. Clicking save will cause the registration number to change and any votes for that registration will also change to the new number.
Event Class
The event class for the registration tells the system what group the registration should go in and is used for detailing the registration number. If a registration needs to be moved to another event class, which happens frequently, you can easily make this change by just editing the registration and changing the event class and clicking “Save”. This will cause the system to assign a new registration number to the registration by selecting the next available registration number in that event class (see above) and any votes for the registration will also be moved to the new registration number.
The processed checkbox is just a way for you to flag if you have processed a registration. You can use this if it benefits you and your workflow.
Registration Card
This will open a template that you can use to print a registration card for the registration. These can be used as a dash card at a car show, a placard on a table, etc… You just need to provide the blank. We have some downloadable templates that you can use to get started.