Linking your bank account
In order for your group members to be able to purchase memberships or club merchandise, you will need to have your clubs bank account linked to your Middletwin account. Middletwin uses Stripe to handle payment processing. To prepare yourself for doing this you will want to have the following information available and ready while you are setting this up.
- Your groups address and phone number
- Your groups tax id number (aka EIN)
- Login access to your groups banking
An administrator with Account Admin privilege will have to set this up as this setup is limited to only logins with the highest level of privileges.
To go the finance settings by clicking on the “Finance” tab and then select the “Bank Link” icon within the summary section.

You should see a Stripe Account Id. This is an account that Middletwin automatically created for your group when your account was created. If this field is blank please contact Middletwin support before preceding and ask that a Stripe account be created for your group. Also, if you already have an account with Stripe and you would prefer to use your existing account, please contact Middletwin support.
If you do not see your bank and the last for digits of your bank account number under the “Linked Bank Accounts” label, click the ‘Link Bank Account’ button to be re-directed to strip to link a bank account.
It is important to know that Middletwin, at no time, will have your bank account Information, only Stripe does.

The Email should be filled in with your email address. At this point you are going to begin the process of filling in all the Information that Stripe will require in order for them to active the link from Stripe to your account, which will allow all online credit card transaction to go directly into your bank account. Make note of the login information that you setup in Stripe as you can use it to access the Stripe account directly and see the transactions, refund customers, and do many other actions.
When you are finished you will be directed back to the Middletwin login screen. Login and go back to the Billing/Subscription view and instead of seeing “None, click the ‘Link Bank Account’ button to link a bank account” you should see your bank name and the last 4 digits of your bank account. This is an indication that everything is properly setup. If you have any difficulties while on the Middletwin portal, contact Middletwin support, if you have any issues while on the Stripe setup pages, please contact Stripe support, they are very helpful. You can tell which site you are on by looking at the URL.