Pages allows you to create custom html pages to use for the member portal landing page and for creating custom registration cards. To use pages you must have account admin permission. Pages will appear in the main menu on the left when you are logged into the admin portal. Click on this to go to the pages application. From here you will see a list of your current pages.

To add a new page click on the “Add page” button. This will open a dialog where you can select the type of page you want to add, web or registration.

After selecting the page type, a default page layout will be generated and will be opened up in the page editor.

Pages are made up of sections, you can think of these as rows, and elements, you can think of these as columns within the rows. All content is edited from the left hand panel. To add a section, click the “Add section” button. To delete a section, click the trash can icon in the section title bar. You can move sections up and down using the up and down arrows in the section title bar.
To edit content within a section, click on the section title bar to reveal the sections content.

Click on a modules title bar to reveal the modules settings

From here you can edit all of the modules content and styling. The changes you make here will be reflected in the preview in the right hand side. Use the “Add module” button to add additional modules. Click the arrow buttons in the module title bar to move the module left or right, use the trash can icon to delete a module.
Make sure to give the page a name that makes sense to you and save your changes when you are done.
To set a page as the landing/home page in the member portal, navigate to the Administration -> Portal page and select the Home Page you would like to use. “Build-in” is the default panels view.
To use a page as a registration card go to the event registrations, and select the “Dash card” for the registration you want to create a registration card for, then in the dialog select the registration card you would like to use.

The “Default/Built-in” option is the layout that works with pre-printed registration cards that use the Middletwin dash card layout.